Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Fin Goulding reflecting (imo) on how we build the organisations that build software

This talk by Fin Goulding at FlowCon France 2019 has so many points of resonance with my own software practice: the value of being present with each other, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, open to learning (by making mistakes), using Kanban, focus on process, work-in-progress, flow, and visualising everything.

Not to mention the waste of attention being devoted to meaningless strategic change. Oh! And by the way, your own organisations' leaders are struggling with understanding what strategy is too. They struggle with appearing to need to know it all. So, take the Agility fad with a hefty pinch of salt, particularly if it is being served up by consultants. 

In fact I think he is reflecting on how we build the organisations that build software. And if we take the idea far enough, all organisations are a kind of software. There are other ways, more human and humane ways to organise ourselves. 

For more see Fin Goulding | Enterprise Flow | https://enterpriseflow.io