Monday, March 9, 2020

Tips for comparative exercise - prep and presentation

Tell a good story...
What worked well? 
What didn't work well?
What would you do again?
What would you drop?
Was there or what was the division of responsibilities?
Could you explain how a typical day/week was organized?
***How are feature requirements justified by the business analysts?
Consideration of power, responsibilities, ownership. Who manages, chooses work?
What are the problems of 
Per product/service initiative...
   How many people...
   How much overtime...
   How many teams (team sizes and locations)...
Is everyone using Scrum style interactions (QA, Devops, Product management).
Where is architecture represented? Where do you manage architecture and design (although everything is design)?
What was the best part of working there?
What was the worst part of working there?
Offer a rich and detailed description of the practices on this team/project (not so much emphasis on structural or procedural facets).