Some previous titles for student projects, the individual case study as term paper.
- How Company Growth Affects the Software Development Process and the Subsequent Consequences on Quality
- What’s the Story (Point)? An investigation into a formalization of an agile story point.
- Agile Methodologies in Safety-Critical CNS/ATM Software
- Combining IBM Design Thinking with SCRUM Framework at a IBM Project
- Teamwork and Communication in Agile Software Development: A Case Study of SAP CEC Marketing
- Scumban in IBM Watson Health
- Integration of SCRUM Methodology with ABB Gate Model for Product Development
- Appropriate Estimation and Planning for a Greenfield Software Project
- First-Time Adoption Experiences for SCRUM
- SHIELD: A Microsoft Engineering Process
- A Case Study of Software Engineering
- E-Government Applications Development: A Caset Study of Sudan E-Government Web Portal Development Framework
- Cornmarket Group Financial Serices – A Case Study
- Agile Method Tailoring: Experience from a Software Development and Support Team Working on a Business Critical System