Friday, May 6, 2016

Who was Winston Royce?

(from Wikipedia)
"Winston W. Royce (1929 – 1995) was an American computer scientist, director at Lockheed Software Technology Center in Austin, Texas, and one of the leaders in software development in the second half of the 20th century. He was the first who described the Waterfall model for software development, although Royce did not use the term "waterfall" in that article, nor advocated the waterfall model as a working methodology.
His son is Walker Royce, Chief Software Economist of IBM's Rational division, and author of "Software Project Management, A Unified Framework", and a principal contributor to the management philosophy inherent in the IBM Rational Unified Process."

Is it reasonable to interpret Royce in terms of agility? Emphasizing communication, design/coding as the central activity, responding to change, refactoring design, visibility, and on-site customers?

Walker Royce at IBM
Walker's recent article on many organisation's aspirations to become more agile (
And the Rise and Fall of Waterfall; with more than a touch of the truth (link).